Jacksonville Weavers’ Guild
Presents our 2021 Virtual Workshop
February 4-7, 2021
ONE WARP, MANY STRUCTURES with Denise Bolger Kovnat
Explore the possibilities of extended parallel threading, beginning with Echo designs in this 2½ day workshop with Denise Bolger Kovnat. As Marian Stubenitsky has shown in Weaving with Echo and Iris, extended parallel threadings offer endless possibilities. In this workshop, designed for advanced beginners and beyond, you will begin with your loom dressed in a two -color warp threaded on opposites. (Drafts provided beforehand.) Working with a variety of tie-ups and treadlings, you will weave a series of designs in Echo, Jin (Turned Taquete) and Shadow Weave. If you are game to cut off and re-sley your warp, Rep and Double Weave. The takeaway is a sampler of colorful patterns and a broader, deeper understanding of the potential for extended parallel threadings and how to design them. For 4 or more shaft looms.
Dates: Thursday, February 4, 2021 9:00 – 4:00
Saturday, February 6, 2021 9:00 – 4:00
Sunday, February 7, 2021 9:00 – 12:00
Plus: Dry Run/Equipment Check with Instructor – Date to Be Determined
Registration limited to 12 weavers and now opened to non-members. request additional info here and Ann will contact you.
Presents our 2021 Virtual Workshop
February 4-7, 2021
ONE WARP, MANY STRUCTURES with Denise Bolger Kovnat
Explore the possibilities of extended parallel threading, beginning with Echo designs in this 2½ day workshop with Denise Bolger Kovnat. As Marian Stubenitsky has shown in Weaving with Echo and Iris, extended parallel threadings offer endless possibilities. In this workshop, designed for advanced beginners and beyond, you will begin with your loom dressed in a two -color warp threaded on opposites. (Drafts provided beforehand.) Working with a variety of tie-ups and treadlings, you will weave a series of designs in Echo, Jin (Turned Taquete) and Shadow Weave. If you are game to cut off and re-sley your warp, Rep and Double Weave. The takeaway is a sampler of colorful patterns and a broader, deeper understanding of the potential for extended parallel threadings and how to design them. For 4 or more shaft looms.
Dates: Thursday, February 4, 2021 9:00 – 4:00
Saturday, February 6, 2021 9:00 – 4:00
Sunday, February 7, 2021 9:00 – 12:00
Plus: Dry Run/Equipment Check with Instructor – Date to Be Determined
Registration limited to 12 weavers and now opened to non-members. request additional info here and Ann will contact you.